Donate to MLC

Since its inception ML Collective has brought together machine learning researchers around the world. In many cases we do this in a way that costs nothing but coordination between humans: gathering, mentoring, coding, training, plotting, reading papers, discussing results, writing papers, presenting results, and growing as a researcher. We are happy to report that these are all free!

But other activities do come at some expense: setting up large video calls, hosting events (e.g. at NeurIPS, ICML, and ICLR), supporting researchers to travel to conferences, and setting up researchers with access to GPUs. These activities are supported by donations from people like you. We are grateful for these donations and honored to be able to use them to have as large an impact per dollar as posible.

There are a few ways you can donate:

  • If your company has an internal donation portal, possibly with company matching, search for "ML Collective" or our EIN: 85-2682932. For example at Google we're available via Benevity. If MLC is not listed in your company's portal, you can probably request us to be added by submitting our EIN.
  • To donate via ACH or Wire directly, submit this form.
  • To donate via Venmo, send to user @ml_collective.
  • To donate via credit card, use the form below.

All donations are tax-deductible in the US. If you donate via most of the approaches above, you should receive an emailed tax receipt. If you haven't (e.g. if you donated via Venmo), or if you have any other questions, send us an email at hello at mlcollective dot org.